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What is Your Personal Drive Every Day?

What is Your Personal Drive Every Day?

“If I forget about what the world thinks, what do I value most in life?”

-Margaret Manning

In this quote, Margaret is questioning her role in society; she is wondering if she stops doing what society thinks she should be doing at any given point, what are in fact the most important aspects of it to her? A lot of people tend to feel this way throughout life, especially when aging. Everyone has a purpose whether they realize it or not, and a lot of this sense of purpose comes about through family, work, social life, and the circumstances you are presented with.

As we age, life events happen-like kids growing up and moving out, people that we love becoming ill and passing, and our daily routine changing. This can lead to us feeling purposeless and somewhat defeated at the end of the day. Can we change this mindset? Certainly! When we start to feel this way, we need to look around us and realize what is in fact some of the most important facets of our lives. It could be your significant other, your children or grandchildren, your pet(s), or you may even have a beautiful garden to take care of! Whatever it may be, figure out what is highly important to you, and start down that path. You will be surprised at the doors that will start to open up because of it.

Source – New Horizons In-Home Care.

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